Saturday, December 31, 2011

Changes made to my contents page

The first changes I made to my contents page was to get rid of the border around the contents column so as to make it look less 'boxy'. Then, taking inspiration from the NME's contents columns, I put all of the band and artist names in bold capitals to make them stand out. I then moved them next to the page numbers and put a short description of the article in smaller letters. I also changed the font, as I wasn't happy with the previous one, and added more articles, as there definitely weren't enough in relation to the cost of the magazine - considering that NME is only £2.20 it tends to be over 60 pages long. I also changed the names of the categories to a red font, and filled the boxes they were in with black.

I then changed the size and positioning of the images and wrote the page numbers in black in the same font as the writing in the contents column, and put them in white boxes. I also got rid of the strip of red along the top, and replaced it with a red and black strip that I made using the 'stroke' tool. This was a lot more aesthetically pleasing and professional-looking than what it looked like originally:

I then added the article I wrote, as well as a the photo to go with it, and the article heading "Look Out For" which I wrote in a font from I then added a picture of an arrow to the end of it, which filled up some space and was aesthetically pleasing:

Finally, I added a new subscription box. The only changes I made to the text was to match the font with the rest of the page, make it white and make the website's name shorter, but I filled the box it was in with black and gave it a red border with the stroke tool. This colour scheme made it stand out more and look more conventional. Here is my final contents page:

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