Saturday, December 31, 2011

How I could improve my contents page

Here is the version of my contents page that I first submitted:

As with the front cover, I think this contents page has a bit too much white space and is too 'boxy'. Everything is also a bit too big and takes up too much space, whilst not enough information is given, and the page numbers at the sides of the photos are too big, in particular the red background they are on. On these contents pages, however, the photos are streamlined and considerably bigger than the photos on mine, helping to avoid the 'boxy' look:

The page numbers on the photos in this contents page are written in white boxes, which gives it a very streamlined look. There is also no "p." before the page number, and the font used is very small and simple:

I will try and base my contents page on the contents pages in Q and NME, taking inspiration from them to help make mine look more professional and conventional.

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