Saturday, December 31, 2011

2. How does the media product represent different social groups?

I think that my product represents the young, indie music scene well, using typewriter style fonts that fit in well with the vintage style that is extremely popular among ‘indie’ youth, as well as addressing music genres and artists (for example Best Coast) associated with indie music. Furthermore, the way I have styled and dressed both my front cover/double page spread artist and the artist on my contents page is inspired by clothes typically associated with indie style, such as the skinny jeans and denim blouse in the photo of my contents page artist. Furthermore, the props, such as the apples, are quirky, original and similar to props commonly seen in NME and Q magazines to add interest and humour to the images (such as the one below, which features an ice-cream).

I think the image I have used for my double page spread emulates this style well, whilst fitting in with the colour scheme and appearing eye-catching. Furthermore, I think I have also addressed the indie social group through the issues I have addressed in my double page spread interview, such as mentioning illegal downloading, musical inspiration and future tours. The small article on an up and coming artist in the contents page also takes inspiration from NME, another indie magazine, which features articles like mine in the contents page. This helps to attract an audience interested in indie music, as they would be interested to know about the artist. Overall, I think I have represented the indie music social group fairly well, as I have taken inspiration from other indie magazines as much as possible.

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