Thursday, December 15, 2011


I have decided that I am not entirely happy with my magazine in its current state, and have decided to resubmit it so as to make some further changes. Primarily, after doing some research, I think the font size of my double page spread interview is much too big; most magazine interviews are written in size 8 font, which is quite a contrast with the size 14 font I used for mine. However, now that I have changed it, my interview only takes up a small space on the page, so I will have to write considerably more.

Font size is small so as to fit more on the page - more appealing to the eye as there is more to read.

Another thing I am not happy with is my contents page; it feels a bit too 'boxy' with not enough information. Further research into existing contents pages shows that they tend to include editor's notes, which ususally give a brief, casual description of what to expect in this issue of the magazine, or a 'mini' article on, for example, a new artist, single or album, or a gig review.

Finally, my front cover has much too many blank spaces, which, although making it striking, make it look a bit too bare. I will do some further research into what I could add to my front cover, and I hope that making these changes will make my magazine look more professional and conventional.

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