Saturday, December 31, 2011

Research into Bauer Media Group

Bauer Media Group is a German distribution company that distributes magazines in 15 countries globally, including the UK. It is run by and is privately owned by the Bauer family, and the worldwide circulation of its magazines is currently 38 million magazines per week. These magazines include:
-Take A Break!
-TVChoice and Total TVGuide
However it is Bauer Media Group's music magazines (Q and Kerrang!) which have had the most success, resulting in them becoming Bauer Media Brands and synergising into radio, TV and music awards. Q magazine is aimed at an older audience of music lovers, which was previously an audience which had been overlooked by the music magazine industry. This was clever research into a gap in the market, something which I think I could reach with my magazine; as Bauer Media Group doesn't reach out to a younger audience of indie music lovers, I think that my magazine could fill this gap in the market well.

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