Saturday, March 26, 2011

Second survey results and overall follow-up of feedback

Regarding the name of my magazine, I have followed the feedback from my first market research survey and have gone with the name "Underground" as it was one of the most popular name choices. I thought this name also fitted in well with the indie genre of the magazine, as the term "underground" has connotations with things that aren't out in the open or well known, and is often used to describe new and unknown indie artists. This also fits in with the results of my second survey which concerned the contents of my music magazine; the results were as follows:

1.In a music magazine's contents page, what do you find the most effective?
-A collage of lots of different images, surrounded by bold text and the contents in a column down one side - 88.9% of votes
- A single striking image on an uncluttered background with the contents in a column down one side - 11.1% of votes

2. What do you most look for in a music magazine?
-Interviews - 44% of votes
-Gig reviews - 22% of votes
-Information about new bands - 33% of votes
-Album reviews - 33% of votes

In a music magazine, what type of images to you prefer?
-Small, discreet images that don't distract from the text - 11.1% of votes
-Large, striking images that take up the same amount of room as the text or more - 66.7% of votes
-Images of the band/artist posing - 33.3% of votes
-Images of the band/artist performing - 33.3% of votes

Regarding my double-page spread, the option of "information about new artists" was quite popular, as was "interviews," so I've decided to make my double-page spread consist of an interview with a new up-and-coming artist, as is common in indie magazines such as NME. As the option of "album reviews" was also quite popular, and "gig reviews" only had one less vote, I am going to include these two articles in my contents page.
In answer to the question "In a music magazine what type of images do you prefer?", "large, striking images that take up the same amount of text or more" was the most popular, so I have decided that my double-page spread will consist of an image taking up one page, with the relevant article on the other page. Concerning the subject of the image, "images of the band/artist posing" and "images of the band/artist performing" were equally popular, so I am going to use a photo of an artist posing for my double-page spread, and photos of bands performing for my contents page. In terms of the layout of photos on my contents page, "a collage of lots of images surrounded by bold text with the contents in a column down one side" was much more popular than having "a single striking image," so I am going to use several personal images instead of just one. To give me inspiration for this, I have researched other music magazine's contents pages, such as Kerrang and Q:

In Kerrang, the images are symmetrical and all have borders, with the contents to the right, creating an eye-catching contents page whilst appearing tidy and uncluttered despite the fact that every area of the page is filled with text or images. Furthermore, a shadow effect has been put on the images, which makes them stand out.

In Q, the images do not have borders and overlap to create a more "collage" effect. Each image is not as easily identifiable as in Kerrang, but the contents page does look quirky and original, which would make it appealing to its target audience. Again, the contents page is on the right.

In following up this feedback, I will be fulfilling my target audience's expectations, while making my magazine look appealing to the public to ensure that more people are tempted to buy it.

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