Monday, March 28, 2011

Interview for double page spread

Here is the interview that will feature in my double page spread. Instead of writing an interview myself, I simply wrote the questions and interviewed a friend, who gave spontaneous and improvised answers; this made the interview seem much more genuine than if it had been pre-planned:

Underground: Hi there Ella, how are you?
Ella: I’m great thanks, I’m having such an amazing time!

U: How does it feel to suddenly get all this recognition?
E: It’s such an incredible experience, I can’t describe it...I’m still finding it difficult to believe it’s all happening!

U:You have very original lyrics - where do you take your inspiration from?
E: One thing that always inspires me is toilet graffiti. It’s deep, in a weird kind of way, and it’s different, it’s a way of expressing myself through the confined emotions of others.

U: So do they have any underlying meanings?
E: Don’t be a drop-out, try to express yourself and your feelings - they are your true beauty.

U: One of the first things people notice when they see you live is your artistic style. Do you have any major style influences?
E: I wouldn’t say I have any main style icons but I love anything unique and individual. Charity shops and vintage markets are the best place to look for that kind of thing, I love knowing I’m wearing something that has a history.

U: Are you happy with the reaction to your live shows?
E: Absolutely, but I don’t really appreciate people throwing their pants at me...! No really, I’m delighted, it’s just such an amazing feeling knowing that it’s you everyone is clapping and cheering for. Everyone’s been really supportive so far, and I’ve had great reactions from the crowds.

U: Have you any plans for playing any acoustic gigs?
E: I’ve been thinking about doing a small acoustic tour sometime next year actually, it’s not official yet, but it’s something I’d love to do.

U: Have you had any particularly challenging moments?
E: Getting into a leather catsuit! I performed in it once, it was boiling!

U: Sounds it! So, what’s the next single going to be?
E: I Found God In The Bottom Of My Shoe. I took inspiration from country music for this one - my dad has a collection of hundreds of old country vinyls, it’s basically the music I grew up with. I wrote it when I was having a bit of a nostalgic moment!
Ella’s album Melodrama will be released on 27th May.

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