Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shot list

I have done a lot of planning into the composition of my front cover and double-page spread, as it is vital in helping to catch people's attention. For the front cover, am I torn between using a central close-up (such as in the first image below) and a mid-shot that abides by the rule of thirds (such as in the second image). Both would be effective, as the close-up would be the central focal point of the cover, but the mid-shot abiding my the rule of thirds would be equally eye-catching as it would meet the natural eye line. When I do my photoshoot, I will therefore take several photos of these two different types of shot, so as to decide which would be better.

For my double page spread I have decided to abide by the rule of thirds, as, in double page spreads such as the one below, this provides a very effective, stiking contrast with the text of the article itself. However, as I am also undecided in whether to use a close-up or a mid-shot, I will, again, take several photos of each of these types of shots before I decide which looks the most effective.

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